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    Κοινωνικά Δίκτυα:


    Παγκόσμιο Εφήβων, Νεανίδων-Σάρωσε τα χρυσά μετάλλια ο Παπαγερίδης Με τη γαλανόλευκη στον υψηλότερο ιστό και τον εθνικό μας ύμνο να παιανίζει, ολοκληρώθηκε με τον καλύτερο τρόπο για την Ελλάδα το 31ο Παγκόσμιο Πρωτάθλημα Αρσης Βαρών εφήβων-νεανίδων στο Πουσάν της Νότιας Κορέας. Μεγάλος θριαμβευτής της τελευταίας ημέρας των αγώνων, ένας 19χρονος γίγαντας 130 κιλών. Ο Σερραίος πρωταθλητής του ΠΑΟΚ, Δημήτρης Παπαγερίδης, ο οποίος κατέκτησε τρία χρυσά μετάλλια στην κατηγορία των +105 κιλών, ενώ κατέρριψε και τα πανελλήνια ρεκόρ νέων,...

    She was born on May 29, 1970 in Amfipoli. She is 1.60m tall and belongs to the Panellinios GS Club. She has studied gymnastics at the Gymnastics Academy in Thessaloniki. She has distinguished herself as the Gold Medalist at the Mediterranean Meeting in Tinida in 2001 and she has also won the 4th position in the European Championships in 1997 and the 8th in the World one in 1996....

    Born on August 19, 1964 at Ioannina. She is 1,60m tall. Although she was a judo athlet, Maria Christoforidou finally became a great weightlifter of Panellinios club. World champion of 1990, she has collected 46 medals in international competitions. Her personal best in the snatch is 90kg and in clean & jerk 110kg. She is married to Themis Dadasiosand mother of a boy. She ended her career in 1999. She is a graduate of the Gymnastics Academy...

    She was born in Alexandria Imathia, on 30/9/1986 and belongs to the Spartakos Thessaloniki Club. She began her athletic career in gymnastics; she took up handball, but at the age of 14, weightlifting won her. Her hobby is music. The European Championships in Kiev in 2004 was the first international meeting in the women’s category that she participated in. ...

    She was born in Thessaloniki, on September 20, 1971. She is 1.63m tall and belongs to the Panellinios GS Club. She came 6th in the Women’s European Championships in 1999 and 9th in the World Championships, in the same year....

    She was born on June 20, 1983 in Thessaloniki and belongs to the AGE Thermis Club in Thessaloniki. Her hobby is music. She received the 6th position in the Junior World Championships in Haveroff (2002)....

    She was born on April 11, 1983 in Thessaloniki. Initially, she became involved with gymnastics but at the age of 12 she became engrossed in weightlifting. She belongs to the Sportig Pilaias Club. She acquired 3 gold medals in the European Junior Championships in 2002. However, her biggest success was the silver medal (snatch) and the bronze one (total) in the Women’s World Championships in Warsaw (2002); whereas, a few months later (April 2003) she won a...

    She was born on March 22, 1983 in Thessaloniki and belongs to the AGE Thermis Club in Thessaloniki. She is 1.73m tall, and her hobby is music. Her collection is adorned with 3 silver medals and 3 bronze ones in World Junior Championships in 2002 and 2003. In the women’s category, she obtained 2 bronze medals in the snatch in the European Championships in Loutraki (2003) and Kiev (2004)....

    She was born on May 25, 1983 in Athens. She is 1.68m tall and belongs to the Doxa Pefki Club. Her hobby is the cinema. She made her debut in the Women’s World Championships in 2001 in Attalia, but a serious injury kept her out of action for a long period of time. She has won 4 silver medals and 2 bronze ones in European Cadet Championships. ...

    She was born in Bologna Italy, on January 2, 1979 and grew up in Germany. She is a medical school student and belongs to the Panellinios GS Club. She is 1.60m tall, and her hobby is music. Since 2001, she has obtained 2 gold and 4 silver medals in World Championships (Attalia 2001- Warsaw 2002) and also 3 gold, 3 silver and 3 bronze ones in European Championships (Attalia 2002, Loutraki 2003, Kiev 2004)....